The Vasco Rd Safety Improvements Project - Phase 1 is designed to improve the safety of approximately 1 mile of Vasco Rd between the cities of Brentwood and Livermore. This stretch of twisting Vasco Rd has heavy, fast moving traffic and a history of serious injury accidents. The project consists of installing a concrete median barrier along the 1 mile project limits and widening the southbound pavement to provide a truck climbing lane, thereby eliminating the gap in the existing truck climbing lanes along Vasco Rd. To accommodate these safety improvements, 6 retaining walls, storm drains, wildlife crossings, and a bridge widening will be constructed. This project is anticipated to take 1.5 yrs (2 construction seasons) to complete, anticipated in December 2011. Check out this blog from time to time to see updates on construction progress and facts about the project.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Miles of Fencing!

Since the Vasco Road Safety Improvements Project-Phase 1 project limits are within a sensitive animal migration corridor, the project has detailed fencing requirements to protect wildlife and ensure their safe access from one side of the road to the other. Installation of 5 miles of temporary wildlife exclusion fencing around the work perimeter is the first order of work to prevent animals from entering the job site. No significant road work, grading, or accessing of Brushy Creek (for the bridge widening work) can occur until all the temporary wildlife exclusion fence is installed. Some of the animals that the fence is designed to protect are the San Joaquin Kit Fox and California Tiger Salamander. The 24" high, black plastic mesh fence also protects construction workers from snakes that may enter work area overnight and hider under stockpiled materials. Construction workers have encountered (almost on a daily basis) rattlesnakes (along with gopher and king snakes) while installing this fence.

Temporary wildlife exclusion fencing along hillside north of Brushy Creek bridge.

Temporary wildlife exclusion fencing at the staging area.